Thursday, 10 August 2017 06:16

06/13/16 PCC Austin Farm Stand opens with support of local artwork – join us for our sixth season!

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Chicago, IL – June 13, 2016 – The PCC Austin Farm Stand is back for another season of fresh, affordable produce in the Austin community. During this season’s kickoff on June 7, PCC Community Wellness Center (PCC) unveiled its new farm logo, designed by William Barker from Austin Multiplex High School. As the first place winner of PCC’s art contest, Barker was awarded a $700 scholarship. Two other students from the same school, Ebony White and Jacquan Johnson, second and third place winners respectively, were presented with $350 scholarships.

Chicago, IL – June 13, 2016 – The PCC Austin Farm Stand is back for another season of fresh, affordable produce in the Austin community. During this season’s kickoff on June 7, PCC Community Wellness Center (PCC) unveiled its new farm logo, designed by William Barker from Austin Multiplex High School. As the first place winner of PCC’s art contest, Barker was awarded a $700 scholarship. Two other students from the same school, Ebony White and Jacquan Johnson, second and third place winners respectively, were presented with $350 scholarships.

During the ceremony, Barker explained the symbolism in his logo. “I drew the greenhouse because it is the main attraction of the farm. The flowers represent the Austin community growing as one.” Barker looks forward to returning to the farm stand with his family this summer.

The farm stand will remain open every Tuesday from 12 p.m. to 6 p.m., as well as the third Saturday of each month from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., until October 25. Located at 330 N. Lotus Avenue in Chicago, the stand offers a variety of seasonal, organically-grown produce. This week, PCC sold lettuce, kale, baby beets, green onions, and mustard, turnip, and collard greens.

For four years, PCC operated a farm stand stocked with food from local farmers to provide healthy, affordable fruits and vegetables to Austin residents. As a community health center, PCC recognizes the need to offer fresh produce directly to patients, to help them live healthier lives and minimize the risk for chronic conditions such as diabetes and high blood pressure. “We’re looking forward to seeing our neighbors, staff, community residents and many new visitors this season at the farm stand,” said Lucy Flores, Community Outreach Health Education (COHE) Manager. “Just a few weeks into the season and we've already hosted a variety of volunteer groups that helped us prepare our site as early as April. Throughout the season we offer affordably priced produce harvested less than 24 hours from the point of sale making them the freshest and most locally sourced products available in the community.”

For more information about the PCC Austin Farm Stand or opportunities to participate on the farm, contact Lucy Flores, COHE Manager at 773-413-1240 or at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Read 5073 times Last modified on Tuesday, 12 December 2017 10:36